Is the park owner required to provide potable water to my manufactured home? Yes/No/Maybe
The correct answer is Yes. Each park space shall have potable water service according to HCD rules. Each space should have a ¾ inch metal pipe connection to the water supply system. The water bib should be under the home or within four feet of the outside of the unit. There needs to be a separate water shutoff valve. Installers connect water service using a flexible copper pipe at least eighteen inches long.
Must park owners provide individual water meters for each home? Yes/No/Maybe.
The correct answer is No. Parks may or may not install home sub-meters. Managers divide the monthly water charge among residents either according to meter readings or equally among spaces. In parks without individual water meters, disputes may arise about water use and charges. Water use for landscape irrigation and swimming pools may be substantially greater than residential use. Homes with several residents may use more water than those with a single occupant.
Can home owners install water conditioning units? Yes/No/Maybe
The correct answer is Maybe. Home owners must obtain permits to install water conditioning equipment. Park operators must approve such installations. If home owners plan to use regenerating type equipment, they may need approval from the public wastewater treatment district.
Parks and Installations.” Title 25, Article 7, Sections 1274, 1284, & 1356.
Copyright - Carl Eric Leivo, Ph.D.
Photo courtesy of Keerati at
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