Tuesday, December 29, 2015

HCD Inspections

How does HCD operate its inspection program? 

HCD inspectors work from their homes and cover several counties. Inspectors receive reports of those that filed permit applications in the northern California or Southern California HCD office. Contractors generally call for inspections. If HCD personnel do not receive inspection calls, permit forms sit in files. Contractors call for inspections for roughly half of all permit applications

Does HCD regularly inspect manufactured home parks?

HCD and local agencies conduct a park maintenance inspection program. The objective was to inspect all parks at least once every several years. Funds were not sufficient and the program focused on inspecting parks with reported problems. It became a squeaky wheel program. With limited resources, HCD seldom pursues violation repairs.

What if a homeowner refuses to correct health and safety violations on their space?

Under the Mobilehome Residency Law, park managers have legal tools to push home owners to fix health and safety violations on spaces. HCD inspections can be used as evidence to support park manager actions.

What teeth does HCD have to help enforce Title 25?

Park operators must accept responsibility for general health and safety violations in parks. HCD’s most effective tool is pulling a park’s permit to operate until the owner fixes a violation. If a park owner does not have an annual operating permit, they cannot collect space rents.

Copyright - Carl Eric Leivo, Ph.D.
Image courtesy of alexisdc at freedigitalphotos.net.

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