Can local governments adopt building regulations for manufactured home park construction? Yes/No/Maybe

Does HCD issue operating permits for manufactured home parks? Yes/No/Maybe.
The correct answer is yes. HCD in fact issues permits to:
- Construct or modify a park;
- Build or alter park buildings;
- Create or change manufactured home spaces;
- Install a manufactured home on a space;
- Modify manufactured homes; and
- Operate a park.
Can cities or counties enforce state manufactured home regulations? Yes/No/Maybe

Can cities and counties adopt zoning regulations for manufactured home parks? Yes/No/Maybe.
The correct answer is Yes. While the Mobilehome Parks Act preempts certain local government regulations, it allows cities and counties to adopt some ordinances or local laws that apply to manufactured homes. Jurisdictions can adopt zoning ordinances that assign manufactured home parks to specific zones or require special use permits. Cities and counties can adopt regulations that apply to the exterior of parks such as perimeter walls, street frontage, signs, access, and vehicle parking. When parks require that utility facilities be located outside parks, cities and counties can regulate the construction of such installations. Local governments can require permits for installation of manufactured homes and accessory structures on individual lots outside of parks.
“Mobilehome Parks and Installations.” Title 25, Article 2, of the Code of Regulations. Section 1004.
“Mobilehome Parks Act.” Division 13, Part 2.1. of the Health and Safety Code. Section 18300
Copyright - Carl Eric Leivo, Ph.D.
Images courtesy of Stuart Miles and stockimages at
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